Slow websites lose traffic before it becomes engaged
Google includes site speed in its algorithm
80% of users don’t return after a bad experience
40% of traffic bounces if site’s take over 4s to load
The success of a website in today’s and tomorrow’s environments are hugely dependent upon usability & engagement – a huge proportion of this is down to Page Speed.
Slow websites are more likely to have high bounce rates
80% of visitors do not return to a website after a bad experience
It doesn’t take a mathematician to work out how important fast loading websites are!
Statistics show that websites that are slow loading don’t get used, and so don’t convert visitors into customers!
There are some simple things that website owners can put in place to ensure that your website keeps up to date with the key things to keep on top of mobile performance.
Simply complete your details below and we’ll send you a free report that will tell you what you can do to be the friendliest mobile website owner that you can be…